Wiki Wound Care - forearm and elbow


Corpus Christi, TX
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How would you bill this? Patient comes in today, after visiting the ER yesterday. Has large abrasions over forearm and elbow. Dr. sees patient, has to co-ordinate with the hospital to get x-rays and CT's and MRI's. We also remove dressing, clean wound, apply topical silvadene and replace dressing. Pt is to return tomorrow for same procedure. Can you bill separately for the wound care, in addition to the E/M visit or is everything included in E/M visit. What about code 97602? I cannot find it on Medicare, has it been deleted? Thanks for all your help.

Virginia :(
No, in this case you would only bill the ER visit. The Coder's Desk reference definition of 97602 is: A health care provider performs wound care management to promote healing using non-selective debridement techniques to remove devitalized tissue. Abrasion involves scraping the wound surface with a tongue blade or similar blunt instrument. Also check CCI and see if 97602 is bundled with your ER Codes.