Wiki Wound care coding


Weston, FL
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Anyone code wound care charts? I'm a ED coder and now I'm coding wound care because our surgery code left. I remember coding the debridements on the exam when I took the CPC -H but don't code that often for Hospital side of ED. 11042 is used for 1st 20 cm right. So if they document 1.8/2.5/3.8 what's the total and code. I know you also have know how deep. I had one today that went down to the bone and I coded 11043. Please any advice is helpful.
Debridement Coding

Debridements are calculated by Length X Width.
For Example: Left Leg Ulcer measures 1.8 X 2.5 X 0.2 cm = 4.5 cm total
You are correct if they go to bone it would 11043 but if they debride any bone or remove any while in there it would be 11044.

There is specific guidelines and instructions for reporting debridements.

If you would like a complete instructional powerpoint I presented @ our local chapter- Greenville, SC I can send one to you.

My email address is Please place in the subject line "Debridements" so I know who you are.

Laurie Schaum, CPC, CPMA
Education Officer, AAPC Local Chapter Greenville, SC
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I have another question. The APC coordinator is asking me for a missing procedure for debridments. I code on the facility side so I don't use 97597 codes. Those are added on the physician side correct? When should 97597 be used instead of 11042/11045 etc.?