Wiki Would you ever bill 36415-90 ?


True Blue
Salt Lake City, UT
Best answers
I can really use some help. I have physicians that are having someone draw blood and send it out to the various labs to process. The normal thing. But now I have docs that think that because you are sending it out to a lab, they want to use modifier -90. How do you use -90 properly. We send all blood out for processing. I never seen anyone try to use -90 modifier for it though. Any suggestions?
Doctors! 36415 is only the code used for the actual blood draw not the test. In my office we do drug screening for the local school and we charge them for the test with modifier 90 because we aren't running the test in the office, but we are charged directly via invoice at end of month by lab. So the lab charges us and we charge the school. Unless the lab is drawing the blood tell them to STOP! ;)