Wiki Would you bill the E&M?


Aberdeen, SD
Best answers
Is there a significant, separately identifiable E&M???
Doctor wants to bill
99212 25
11100 59

Established patient with history of SK's & LUB's

CC: Check mole on face. Check Rt Arm

HPI: Remove mole under right eye. Present years. Not changing. Not bothersome.
Has lesion on Rt cheek that has thickened top which has recently came off leaving a flat pigmented nodule.
Right arm. Wart like growth would like removed.

Allergies Listed
Current Meds listed

ROS reviewed from "DATE" No sig changes.

PE: Head/face/nose/ears 2mm red keratotic papule rt cheek. Reticulate black macule rt jaw line.
Rt upper Ext. 8mm red keratotic papule

Biopsy done shave technique.....

Seborrheic keratosis NOS
Destruction done LN2.....

Thank you.
I would have a hard time defending a separate or significant E/M from the minor procedures performed. No lab work done, no Rx given, no X-ray's ordered..... so what is significant or separate here?
I too would not bill a separate e/m for this service, it clearly states in the HPI that the pt is here for a mole removal.
E/M office visit vs follow up


a patient has had a major surgery and comes in the office for their follow up visit (still in the global period) with some new problems not associated to the past these are totaly new diagnosis and the physican treats her for her new problems and her new problems require surgery in which the physician schedules her to have surgery in two weeks. How do you code follow up and the E/M services that were provided all on the same day?

My first thought was to bill Established outpatient office visit (99212-99215) with the modifier 24 for the new problems along with the follow up to the surgery (99024)


a patient has had a major surgery and comes in the office for their follow up visit (still in the global period) with some new problems not associated to the past these are totaly new diagnosis and the physican treats her for her new problems and her new problems require surgery in which the physician schedules her to have surgery in two weeks. How do you code follow up and the E/M services that were provided all on the same day?

My first thought was to bill Established outpatient office visit (99212-99215) with the modifier 24 for the new problems along with the follow up to the surgery (99024)