Wiki Working part-time remotely


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I am currently working full-time in house at our local hospital. What are your thoughts on adding additional part-time work, remotely? I have no desire to leave my current position, just want to add an extra income. Is it easy to find? Is the flexibility there to only work part-time hours? Or am I just wishful thinking?! ;)
Just curious as to what anyone might have run across during their job searches. Thanks!
Remote Coding Part Time

There a lot of companies looking for remote coders part-time and full time. I am currently working part-time remotely for Maxim Healthcare Services and I just had a recruiter from another company asking if I was interested in part-time.
The only drawback is that I code all day at my full-time job and then I come home and code all night. I've done this for a year now and I am about burned out on the part-time. Plus, it put me into a higher tax bracket.
But it's good money. You have to be committed to working 20 hours a week evenings and/or weekends.