Wiki working from home info please


Phoenix, AZ
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I am in the process of changing jobs from one physician to another. My current physician would like me to continue working, part time, remotely from home. I currently do everything from front desk, billing, coding, IT, problem is how to do this? I will convert from do everything to just coding and biling. What do I need to consider before doing this remotely, what makes it work to work from home??? All the ins and outs of what to think there a website I can refer to? Any information will be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!!!
Working remotely is great if you can get it to work. There are a couple of different options, 1 is where you remotely connect to a computer (remote desktop) this computer needs to be on all the time and no one else using it. You then are able to do all your work normally through there. The nicer way is with a terminal server, though depending on the size of the practice may not be practical. I recently converted from in the office to at home part of the time. It is a wonderful benefit! Feel free to PM me if you want specifics/additional info.