Wiki Workers Compensation reference


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Workers Compensation reference/expert

Hey all!

I was wondering if anyone can direct me to a source that I can go to for workers compensation questions. The state board of wc website in our state is useless unless I want to donate a weeks worth of reading time. We are currently having some confusion about appropriate procedures when a patient indicates their injury is work related.

Right now, our staff will allow a patient to decide whether to file a visit as workers compensation and instead bill their medical insurance. My direction has been to educate the patient that workers comp injuries are not covered by their medical insurance and to NOT take any payment from the patient. The problem is that I'm getting push back from my providers about why this is the case. What are the legal (if any) ramifications and where can I get some documentation to support my argument that we are not allowed to make the patient pay. I've also advised our staff that submitting work related injury expenses to medical insurance could potentially be considered insurance fraud. But again, I need official documentation to support my case so I can get our medical staff on board.

Thanks for your help!!
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