Wiki Why is the asc billing 36245 with an egd and colon?

Douglasville, GA
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36245 states "selective catheter placement, arterial system; each first order abdominal, pelvic, or lower extremity artery branch, within a vascular family"... can someone please explain to me why is this procedure code billed with an egd or colonoscopy... Thanks!
That's an interesting question. There is no CCI edit for it currently. I'd guess that it would be in conjuncion with arterial administration of the anesthesia. If the staff of the facility i.e. Nurse or MA is setting the IV and not a CRNA it makes since the facility would bill for the service. Is this your groups facility or a hospital ASC? We don't bill this out of our facilities corrently, but you have me curious if we are loosing revenue for not billing it with a current Medicare allowable of $248.68. I'll be looking into it on my end and would be curious what you come up with.
36245 is not an IV placement it is an arterial catheter. There absolutely no reason to bill this unless there is documentation as to this being performed and why it is being done.
Can't find any relative use for the code. the body location, being arterial and stenting don't have any connection with a colon or EGD. I can only guess it to be connected to other services for an individual situation.
If this is really creating venous access for administration of drugs, fluids, etc. code should be 36000