Wiki Who sets your E/M levels????

Shawna Paul

Omak, WA
Best answers
I am just curious to see how many physician offices have their providers set their own E/M levels or do you the coders set the levels?

All responses are much appreciated.

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There are 3 surgeons in our area, I do all the coding for one of the surgeons. The other two surgeons do their own EM coding, one of those surgeons also codes his surgerys, the other surgeons procedure coding is done by a coder.

We are in a large multispecialty practice, most of the providers do their own EM coding but not all of them.
Hi Shawna,

Our MDs code and we review. When there is a question of Level of CPT, we query back to the physician with our recommendations. Some of our docs have given us written permission to change the level of service based on our review.
A mix

Physicians/NPs/PAs are responsible for choosing the levels for clinic/office visits. These are periodically reviewed (less often if the provider has consistently demonstrated a good knowledge of the requirements for the levels s/he is choosing; more often if they still need guidance).

Certified coders abstract all ER, inpatient, and observation/short stay encounters.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC