Wiki Who pays for computer if working from home?


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My new company is considering having the coders work from home exclusively. My boss wants me to find out if the company should provide the computers or the employee. If anyone has any advise about this topic such as the HIPPA requirements or pros and cons I would appreciate their advise.:)
Personally, I think the provider should be responsible due to encryption and security reasons (anti-virus software updates needed, etc.). Is there an IT department that will be doing updates remotely?
I agree with Leenahz, if the employer is requiring that the employee works from home, they should also have the responsibility that the information accessed and/or stored on the computer is secure. This can only be done with a computer they provide. There should also be a clear separation between company info and the employee's personal information and this would not be the case if the employee was providing their own computer.
Absolutely the responsibility of the company. They'll want it set up with their programs and security, so it's up to them to provide the tools. I worked from home and was provided a laptop and two docking stations. One in the office and one at home. :)
I work from home for my company...

I work remotely for my company in AZ from Florida. They supplied me with all my hardware and software. I log into their server and do all my work there through their network and it leaves nothing on my computer.

They also pay a portion of my internet fees.

Hope it helps!

Who pays for computer?

I have an employee that worked for UHC from home. They supplied the computer, phone and phone line. I guess you could say internet connection now. When she left, she had to turn in. Had to be used only for UHC business.