I am having a minor crisis and really need some clarification. When my surgeons do an injection of the blue dye for a sentinel lymph node identification, we use code 38792. Apparently the radiologist, who is injecting a radioactive dye prior to the patient being take to the OR is also using code 38792. Medicare will not pay both doctors if they both use code 38792. Has anyone else had this problem? What is the correct code for the Radiology procedure? They are not doing any images so they won't use a Radiology code. One of the surgeons I work for says that this has happened in the past and that the Radiology group is using the incorrect code. I have spent WAY too much time on this for what we actually get reimbursed but feel it is important that we (both the Radiologists and myself) know the correct way to code these procedures. Pelase help!