Wiki Who bills care plan oversight?


True Blue
Mims, Florida
Best answers
I am searching for some answers in regards to the code G0180. The assitant director of our Hospitalist group is looking to have the doctors bill this code. Can someone tell me if the hospitalists would be the one to bill for this if they are recommending the patient for home health services when they are discharged or is this billed by the doctor who oversees them during home health care? If they can bill this, what are the requirements for documentation, billing and can they bill for other services on the same date of service (subsequent visit, or discharge summary)?

I'd appreciate as much information I can get, as well as sources.

Thanks Brittany - this info was helpful. I'm still trying to figure out if my Hospitalists should be billing this or the doctor who oversees the patient during home health services and if they can bill this, can they bill another E/M code on the same day as long as they have documented enough for both charge - such as a discharge or subsequent visit.

We bill this service ALL THE TIME. Yes, you as the over seeing provider would bill the code. The code is for the over sight of the care, not the ordering of. Yes, other services can be billed same date, without moifiers, but remember the date fo service for this code is the date your physician signs the plan of care; not the date of any face to face (unless signed same date). Also, you can only bill one every 60 days so make sure they sign the plan of care at least 60 days apart, not a day too soon. The re-cert code is G0179.
G0180 - Can it be billed by Hospitalist?

I'm looking as well to find out if this code can be billed by the hospitalist initiating the home health care or if it can only be billed by the provider overseeing the care (i.e., the primary care provider)? Thanks!