Wiki which of these two Zoom meetings should I attend tonight?

Sioux City, IA
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Looking for local chapter meetings to attend (virtually) for CEUs. I see two tonight that I want to attend, but can choose only one, because the times conflict. Which would you take if you were a CPC-A?

-"Why Understanding Medical Terminology is Critical to a Medical Coder"
-"Modifiers: The How, The What, The Why"

The modifiers meeting is worth more CEUs, but that's not particularly important to me, because my CEUs aren't due until early 2024 and I've been having no trouble earning them. There's always a chapter meeting going on somewhere; the monthly magazine quiz offers a CEU; and the CPC-A is my only credential.
I can't open the links. However, if one of those is your local chapter (or geographically close to you), I'd suggest that one simply because there can be added benefit benefit connecting with members in your geographic region.

Otherwise I'd suggest whichever one sounds most interesting to you. I think that either topic would be relevant to you as a new coder.