Wiki Which book to should I use?


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I need help in choosing which books should I use.

I have 2 sets of coding books
Set 1 - 2013 icd 9, hcpcs and cpt books all from AMA
Set 2 - 2014 icd 9 and hcpcs from optum 2014 expert and 2014 cpt book from ama

Which one should I use? Or which is the best combination? I was thinking of using set 2 but the AMA icd9 seems to be easier to look at..

I am going to take my cpc exam on September

Thanks in advance,

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Books to use

I would suggest using the second set as well. Mainly because they are more current. I contacted AAPC and was informed that it is best to take the exam
Using the current materials available when taking the test. They did
However state that you may use older books however anyone using
Older books will be at a disadvantage and may provide an incorrect
Answer from an outdated book. So it is advised that all examinees
Should use the most current books available.

Good luck on your exam.
Thanks a lot.. maybe I was just used to my 2013 books...

I would suggest using the second set as well. Mainly because they are more current. I contacted AAPC and was informed that it is best to take the exam
Using the current materials available when taking the test. They did
However state that you may use older books however anyone using
Older books will be at a disadvantage and may provide an incorrect
Answer from an outdated book. So it is advised that all examinees
Should use the most current books available.

Good luck on your exam.
The 2012 ICD-9 CM book is the most current ICD-9 code set, the 2013, 2014, and 2015 are all identical to the 2012. You do need 2014 CPT and HCPC II books
Appropriate Books

You should use the books that are listed by the AAPC on the exam info page under the tab that says "Approved Manuals". There is a PDF document link half way down. If there are no specific date requirements, it would probably benefit you most to use the editions you are most comfortable with. It would help you move along faster during the exam, so you'll stress less.

Good Luck!