Wiki Where to Look for a Specialty Coding Position

Bloomfield, CT
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I live in the Hartford area of Connecticut. My last job was doing coding for a family medicine practice. I would like to get a job doing coding for a small specialty practice. Many practices seem to use outside billing offices that do billing for a whole bunch of doctors. Does anyone know which type of specialties would be likely to do their own billing in the office? Thanks

Hi Karen, I'm from the Hartford area also. I can't really tell you what types of specialists would be doing in-house billing, it seems like a lot of them are being bought up by either Hartford Healthcare or St FrancisCare. But some that I know are Cardiology, Orthopedics, Gastroenterology toname a few, what specilaties are you interested in? Have you been to the Hartford Chapter meetings or are you on the email list? Many times job openings will come through other members.