Wiki Where to go in my education


Seabrook, NH
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Good Day All....

I am looking for some advice on where the next step in my education should be. I worked for a company for 11 years that had the providers do their own leveling and I moved into a job where I was expected to do this. I found it diffucult and made many mistakes through my own lack of knowledge. Now that I am looking for a new position, I am wondering where to turn. Sould I do E&M/Auditing courses or switch to Inpatient/Outpatient as that seems to be the largest field for positions. In my heart I am an ortho girl but have little to no exposure with Spine coding and trauma coding. All my surgeons would send those difficult cases out. I want to stay on the physician side but am not finding very many coding jobs for that in New England. Many are outsourced positions and I know that is the going trend.

Any and all advice appreciated.

Rebekah Constant