Wiki where to find answers?


True Blue
Hibbing, MN
Best answers
I find my answers all over - not just one place... I find them from other coders, more proficient/knowledgeable in an area I have questions in. Or from CMS or MEDICARE websites, CCI Edits, NCD lists, RVU schedules. From contact people from previous seminars and teleconferences specific to the questions. From billers and insurance companies,...directly from my CPT and ICD-9 books. this forum has a wealth of knowledge on it...very smart girls/guys! (to mention a few places)
Typically, I get my answers from more than one place, just kind of making sure it's how it's done (yaknow?)... because you're correct, many gray area's in coding.
If I don't undertand the answer, I continue to ask the same question..usually another coder can finally explain it to me so that it makes sense...
I agree with Donna. She has listed some great resources. If you're not able to find your answer here, you may want to sign up for one of these other list serves. To the right of the specialty, you click on "subscribe" and complete the demographic information. These are free list serves. I must warn will get many, many, many emails a day. This is how it works...

You submit a question. There are thousands of people already signed up on these forums. Your question goes out to ALL these folks. If they respond to your question, you get the answer and so does everyone else. You could pose one question and literally received 30 responses. If someone else poses a question, you receive the question and so does everyone else. As people respond, you will receive each members response. At first, it's extremely overwhelming. Especially if you sign up for more than one list serve.
I guess it would depend on what the question regarding the CPT code is that would determine where I'd go to find my answer....
I'm aware of all of these resources, but I still find that there are so many questions left unanswered or the answers are just vague, repeats of what I could have read myself. For instance, if you have a question regarding a CPT code, does anyone go directly to AMA who publishes the book?

The AMA charges a pretty hefty fee to answer these kinds of questions. However, if your physician is a member, there are some Q&A services available through membership called CPT Knowledge Base.

The Coding Institute also has some specialty listservs.

What about members of your local chapter?

Good luck!
Coding World

Welcome to the wondeful world of Coding. The very reason why networking is an esssential part of our lives. With so many gray areas, never ending changes and constant updates to coding rules and regulations, an individual cannot cope up by oneself, we need each others helping hand.
very nicely put Luz... :)

adding my agreement with Anna's post - another post very well put :)
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I agree! A lot of what we do, fortunately or unfortunately, is coders discretion. Yes, we are held responsible, but I think if you exhaust all your resources, all our resources, and get a reasonable answer, most if not all people/organizations will take that into consideration. If you can explain where you came up with your answer and all the resources you checked/used, sometimes you can even win. :)