Wiki where do I change my mailing address on AAPC website?

Sioux City, IA
Best answers
I moved to another state last week, but have not yet figured out where on the AAPC website to enter my new address. Some help?

While discussing this, I should ask what I do for chapter affiliation if my city does not currently have a chapter. Do I have to just go without a chapter, or can I affiliate with the nearest one? The nearest cities with chapters appear to be Sioux Falls, SD and Omaha, NE.
I moved to another state last week, but have not yet figured out where on the AAPC website to enter my new address. Some help?

While discussing this, I should ask what I do for chapter affiliation if my city does not currently have a chapter. Do I have to just go without a chapter, or can I affiliate with the nearest one? The nearest cities with chapters appear to be Sioux Falls, SD and Omaha, NE.

in the top right corner, click on the drop-down arrow on "my AAPC", then select "profile/preferences".
you will be able to update your address there.

As for the chapter affiliation, are you no longer in Arizona?
The instructions above will show you how to get to your profile and update your address.

As far as the chapter goes, everyone is on a chapter roster. You can choose the one that makes the most sense to you. I think both Omaha and Sioux City are pretty active chapters, so either would be a good option. You'd make that change in the profile area as well.

(Some people also just don't change chapters after they move, especially if they have a lot of friends/connections in their old location. Since you have some fairly active chapters who hold lots of virtual meetings in your new area, you may find some benefit to networking with coders from that geographic region. But you don't *have* to change if you're attached to your old chapter & would have enough virtual events to still be as active as you'd like.)