Wiki When will the CPC exam return to facilities?


Laureldale, PA
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I would like to schedule my exam in either August or Oct this year. July and Sept are not available in my area. There is no way I would be able to take the exam in my home when I have small children regardless my husband is watching them. There has to be a way to safely take the exam in a facility and still follow social distancing depending on the size of the facility and the amount of people scheduled that same day. Does anyone know when the exams will be held in facilities again? My goal is to get certified before the end of the year.
I would like to schedule my exam in either August or Oct this year. July and Sept are not available in my area. There is no way I would be able to take the exam in my home when I have small children regardless my husband is watching them. There has to be a way to safely take the exam in a facility and still follow social distancing depending on the size of the facility and the amount of people scheduled that same day. Does anyone know when the exams will be held in facilities again? My goal is to get certified before the end of the year.

If they don't resume before you need to test, can your husband take the kids out possibly? Maybe somewhere rural or a rarely used park?

I would not be able to that since my kiddo has PID, and an autoimmune disorder, so get that is not always possible.
There are in-person exams already happening in areas where it is permissible with state regulations. I know for sure there was an in-person exam done in Florida today - one of the officers posted photos to an officers group showing how they set up the room for social distancing.

If none are scheduled near you yet, it's possible that your local chapter hasn't been able to make arrangements that would comply with your states local regulations.

I'd suggest searching by zip code for exam dates within the largest radius you'd be willing to drive for an exam. You may find that other chapters in your state have been able to accommodate an exam. Or possibly even another state, if you're close enough to a state line.
It will depend on your state law. I'm testing in Michigan in a few weeks.

Could perhaps YOU go somewhere else to test and leave the family at home?
For example, I could go to my parent's house and use her guest bedroom.
The only place I could go is where I know my kids will not go and that's the coal room in my basement which stores our oil tank, lol. I don't have the benefit of going to my one surviving parent's place because my step brother is always home and can be distracting as he is special needs. And for the other responder, my husband just cannot take the kids to a park as COVID-19 is far from ending and certainly not be away for 5 hours and 40 min, lol. My state will be in the green by the end of the week so I'm hoping by August which I may take the exam, or the latest, Oct. something will be figured out going back to the facilities.
I would like to schedule my exam in either August or Oct this year. July and Sept are not available in my area. There is no way I would be able to take the exam in my home when I have small children regardless my husband is watching them. There has to be a way to safely take the exam in a facility and still follow social distancing depending on the size of the facility and the amount of people scheduled that same day. Does anyone know when the exams will be held in facilities again? My goal is to get certified before the end of the year.
Houston does having test. I just took mine this Saturday that past and it was safe. You are required to wear your mask the whole time and social distance doing the test.