Wiki When to use E&M?


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I am a Medical Coding student and I have gone over and over the E&M section and I am still having problems. My biggest problem is how do I know when to use an E&M code. What percentage of reports need an E&M code? ANY help is greatly appreciated!
I would suggest going to and look at the E/M product that they offer. They also have a Medical Coding DVD Blitz which is an amazing overview of all your coding and explains the E/M in simple, visual terms. If you get the online Blitz, the E/M training/review is part of the Blitz. Not expensive and you get a lot of information. Coding works with the AAPC program.
Unless you are billing for just the surgical procedure or other specific procedures such as radiology or anesthesiology, for example, most visits will take place in an office,inpatient hospital, outpatient or observation in the hospital, nursing home, home, emergency department, will need to understand your E/M.
I hope this helps you.
It helped me joannesheehan thank you, I been out of the loop for awhile and need to kinda get an idea where to start, and you guided me in the right direction. :)