Wiki When do you code the BMI?

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If a physician diagnoses a patient as overweight, obese, or with morbid obesity do they have to code the BMI as well? I was taught through Department of Defense coding that a BMI should be coded as well, but now that I'm on the civilian side of coding I'm not so sure this applies.

Yes you will need to code the BMI if codes 278.00-278.03 are used. The books instructs you to do so "Use additional code to identify Body Mass Index (BMI), if known (V85.0-V85.54)"
I always code BMI when I get the height and weight for all 278.00/278.01

The thing I have to watch out for is the pediatric BMIs extending until 21st birthday

They can make HCC Coding a lot easier as well.
Morbid Obesity risk adjusts on its own, if the BM>39.9, so be sure to list it.
Obesity with a BMI>34.9 can as well, with certain comorbid conditions.
Always listing the BMI V code makes it easier to catch.