Wiki Whats the expected time?


Oxford, NC
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I need to know where I can find information on what the expected time frame is for certain surgical procedures. I have a physician that wants to bill a 22 modifier but Im not sure his time was more than usual. Can anyone point me in the direction I need.

On a different matter, I am looking for a training module for a physician that wil be doing newborn circumcisions. Any websites out there?
to use the 22 modifier it is not that there was more time spent, you need a reason there was more time spent, why was the surgery more intensive, why did it involve more work. That is what you need documented, if all you have is time but nothing else unusual documented then you cannot use the 22. So I guess I am trying to say it does not matter what the usual timeframe would be, you want to know WHY the surgeon felt he needed to go beyond the usual parameters.
He documents dense adhesions, problem is he is coding gallblader surgery and lysis of adhesions. Im not sure they were that involved as it was 30 minutes in comparison to what could have been 1 to 1 and 1/2 hours:confused: