Wiki What type of salary should i be looking for ?

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Based on my attached resume, what type of salary should i be asking for in the state of NJ for the position of a certified medical biller/coder ? i do not want to aim too high or too low so all advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you !


  • Resume-Andrea_Antoniou.doc
    46.5 KB · Views: 88
I'm in the greater Boston area. Based on your resume, you could expect to start somewhere around the $17-18 per hour range. Good luck!

Are you guys adding in benefits? Like 401K or profit sharing or anything else? I get a 401K plan and profit sharing at my company, but I don't make nearly as much as you guys do.... Mine would be $32,600 before taxes, 401k or anything else was taken out.... I've been working since Jan. 2016, and I started at $12.00 and I'm currently at $15.67.... I'm just thinking that that's way less that I see other's say. I'm doing radiology coding, as well as ER auditing and claims tracking.