Wiki what to study


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Is it worthwhile to study and learn ICD-9 in depth, and get certified before Oct. of 2015, knowing that ICD-10 implementation is not that far off? Or is it better to hold off and wait until ICD-10 is implemented and study only one classification? What are the advantages of knowing both?

I wish I can learn the two systems but I'm finding it very challenging to study both ICD-9 and ICD-10. This is part of a career transition for me so this is totally something new. Thanks for the advice!
I would tell you that the only way to study is to jump in both feet first and get started, somewhere, now. There is always the possibility that ICD-10 will be held up another year. I have actually found ICD-10 easier to grasp than ICD-9; it's more detailed but I haven't found that to be a problem. What I'm saying is if you've got one, you've got the other. Wherever you start, have those books cracked open as you go through the program (AAPC's is very good) - read everything, understand everything, use google, youtube, whatever it takes to understand what you're reading. Good luck and welcome!
The more you learn ... the better. Both are very easy to learn. Start with ICD-9. After that, ICD-10 will be a walk in the park:)