Wiki What should I do next CPC?

San Juan, PR
Best answers
Hello! My name is Natalia I'm currently studying for the Medical Terminology Certification, the Anatomy Certification and the CPC certification. I'm completely lost on what I should do next when I finished what I'm doing now . I should take the CPC-P, CPB, CPMA?? What I should take first? What's going to be better for my career? I would appreciate the advices and tips.
Thank you for your time and wisdom

Naty :eek:
What to do.

I suggest completing the CPC, getting a job using those skills, then see how you like it. Time may tell what you will want to do next.
I agree with prayercoder 100%. When I was in school, I thought I wanted to be an auditor. Then, I swore that I only wanted to work inpatient. Now, I'm probably going for my CFPC in December.

Get your CPC and a job first and see "where the wind blows you." You don't have to think about this stuff right now
What to do

I agree with the previous posts. You need to get your core (CPC) certification first. Once you find a job you will find what path you want your career to take. I started with my CPC, and then our Medical Group purchased a general surgery practice, and I found my path.