Wiki What quantity of G0108 does 45 minutes support?

Charity Evans

Local Chapter Officer
Hazelwood, MO
Best answers

G0108 has a code description of "Diabetes outpatient self-management training services, individual, per 30 minutes."

The documentation supported that Diabetes outpatient self-management for an individual was performed, with the start time of 10:00 and the end time of 10:45 for a total of 45 minutes.

I know that the documentation supports a quantity of 1 but does it support a quantity of 2 being that there was 45 minutes spent or must 60 minutes be spent in order to support a quantity of 2?

Thanks so much for your help!~

Medicare regulations require that in order to be covered, diabetes self-management training must be "furnished in increments of no less than one-half hour", so you should not bill for a unit unless the full 30-minutes was provided. A facility I worked with several years ago was subject to an audit of these services by Medicare and any units that were not supported by the full 30 minutes had to be refunded.