Wiki What next...?


Youngsville, NC
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I have had my CPC for 2 years now (obtained in December 2015) and have been working remotely as a Medical Coding Specialist since March 2016. In February 2017, I was promoted to Team Lead and I assist the Coding Manager in leading our team of remote coders. I am looking into getting a second certification, but I am not sure what is the best choice. The ones I am interested in are CRC, COC and CPMA but am open to others as well. Seeking advice on what the next best step is? Thank you in advance for your advice. : )
What specifically are you coding at the moment or is it a variety? This may help narrow down the options.
What specifically are you coding at the moment or is it a variety? This may help narrow down the options.

Currently the team I am apart of codes Wound Care for my company's client. We code on the physician side. Most facilities these providers are in our outpatient, SNF or NH. We do get the occasional inpatient as well but it is primarily outpatient. Unfortunately that client has used my company for many years but has decided they want to outsource their coding to another country so my contract may be coming to a close. There is a possibility of moving to another coding team in a different speciality for this company if there are openings; otherwise, I will be searching for another job. I have been considering another certification prior to this possible job change so that has nothing to do with my interest in obtaining one though I know it would help in the job hunt ; )

Hope that helps. And thank you for your advice I appreciate it.

CPC (12/2015)