Wiki What Modifier do I use for a Physician standing in for an absent primary physician.


Stroudsburg, PA
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We have another Radiologists Reading for our facility when our primary is out, Can anyone tell me which modifier I would append to the cpt codes?..
Thanks in advance
It would depend on the details of the situation. I believe modifier Q6 may be appropriate. Here are some guidelines for it's use.

Modifier Q6 Fact Sheet

Services furnished by a locum tenens physician

Appropriate Usage
When a physician agrees to see patients of another physician under arrangements of the original physician
The regular physician is not available to see patients
The patient arranges or seeks service of their regular physician
Short term coverage provided, under 60 days
The physician seeing the patient is not in practice for themselves, or employed as part of another practice

Inappropriate Usage
When the physician is covering for an absence of a long term
When the physician is in the same group