Wiki What level new patient?


Albany, NY
Best answers
Here is the documentation:

Chief Complaint
Right knee pain.

S: 14-year-old female dancer described her patella dislocating two weeks ago. She was able to reduce it herself. Has noted some pain over the medial knee. Has not had any previous eval and denies previous occurrence.

O: Past medical history and patient intake form reviewed and signed. Healthy female in no obvious discomfort. Knee is without swelling, ecchymosis, or effusion. Mild tenderness over the medial retinaculum. No swelling or defect. Negative Lachman. Collateral ligament stable. Gentle ROM supple without obvious subluxation.

R: X-ray of the knee reveals no fracture, no subluxation.

Miracle Knee Brace applied.

A: Status post patellar dislocation now reduced.

P: PT for quad strengthening.

What level new patient would this be coded as? Thanks!
Maybe I'm a bit generous but I gave it a 99202

Expanded Problem Focused History (Brief HPI, Pert ROS, 0 PFSH)
Expanded Problem Focused Exam (Constitutional, Musculoskeletal, arguably Cardiovascular)
Low MDM (New problem w/o add'l workup, X-Rays reviewed, Low Risk)
Maybe I'm a bit generous but I gave it a 99202

Expanded Problem Focused History (Brief HPI, Pert ROS, 0 PFSH)
Expanded Problem Focused Exam (Constitutional, Musculoskeletal, arguably Cardiovascular)
Low MDM (New problem w/o add'l workup, X-Rays reviewed, Low Risk)
I find no ROS documented here just saying the past history and intake is reviewed and signed is insufficient, they need to also list the pertinent positive and negatives and indicate it was reviewed with the patient. so History = focused
97 guidelines -exam 1 for constitutional, 3 under M/S = 4 = focused there is no cardio examined
95 guidelines - you have an exam of the affected area - focused
MDM- number of dx is minimal (only one issue addressed), complexity of info is minimal, one xray reviewed, and risk is low, order for PT = straitforward
I see only a 99201
I know you will get disagreement among coders on issues like this but those are my thoughts.