Wiki What level do you get?


Bolingbrook, IL
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Hospital subsequent note--no CC stated. I'm going back and forth with a co-worker between a 99231 and 99232. Your insite would be appreciated.

Afebrile, on room air, no resp distress, no CP, no dyspnea, no hemoptysis, hemodynamically stable, no vomiting. G-tube feeds held last night.

VS-36.9, 68, 24 98%

PE: sleeping comfortably, HEENT-no nasal flaring, MMM, chest-few crackles at base of right lung, Heart-RRR, ABd +BS, Ext WWP, no cyanosis, + clubbing

A: 20 y/o with CF pulm exacerbation, PI
Plan-Continue Timentin, Amakacin IV
Aggresive Pulm toilet
Monitor glucose
PFT's today
Based on this note I would go with a 99232. Even though the MDM was only straightforward you only need two of the three for these visits. I got EPF for the history and EPF(97) or detailed(95) for the exam. I'd be interested to see what others get.