Wiki What is "N.R.S.S." ??

Hopefully your facility has a list of approved acronyms you can present your provider.

I have never seen this used and it is really interesting what comes up when I google it.

NRSS National Retail Security Survey
NRSS Non-Residential Support Services
NRSS National Renewable Security System
NRSS Nuclear Radiation Shielding Series
NRSS National Renewable Security Subcommittee
NRSS National Retail Shrinkage Survey
NRSS National Road Safety Summit

This is probably something really simple (they usually are) but I have no clue. Odds are this would not go over well in an external audit. I had a provider that used all kinds of off the wall acronyms, I told her to either use the approved ones or she would have to make a key that explained the ones she used. I told her this thinking she would just conform to the standards in place, I was wrong. She made a key, it was 25 pages long. There were things like "xs" listed. If I see "xs" I would think extra small, not to her, it was "excess".

I know you are just asking for the translation but to me this signifies a larger issue.

Good luck,

Laura, CPC, CEMC
Got any more hints ??????

What kind of doctor is it ? What was the patient there for ? Chief compliant or illness ? Did the doc put "NRSS" under any specific body area or organ system in the exam ?
Is that ALL the doctor noted under the exam ?

Nothing like a good mystery I always say !! :eek:)