Wiki What E/M? Confused!


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I am not sure how to code this. A baby is born and immediately admitted to a TLC unit. This is not NICU but a department for newborns that need extra care. The baby has a low birth weight, abdominal distension, and meconium obstruction. Another one of our doctors transfers the baby to NICU, but an outside doctor admits the baby to NICU. The next, day one of our doctors accepts baby back to the TLC and is discharged to home the next day. I don't believe the baby's condition warrants critical care codes, but I am unsure what codes to use then. Can someone please let me know exactly what codes to use? I have never had this scenario before.

Thanks you!
I really haven't done much coding for newborns - especially ones in this scenario, however there are codes for Intensive care rather than critical care. Without seeing the notes it is hard to know if these codes would help, however you might want to check your CPT book for codes 99477-99480. Also read the section instructions as it will give you the guidance on how there codes would apply.

Hope this helps!