Wiki What DOS would you use?


Chanute, KS
Best answers
When I'm only billing for the antepartum or postpartum care and they've had 5 antepartum visits and 7 postpartum visits and no delivery with this Dr. what Date of Srv am I billing these with.
Do I list out each date of srv and bill separetly on one claim or can I combine them all and bill the 59425 or 59426 with the last DOS pt was seen for each episode?
check with your payers. Some prefer you use the first DOS with a quantity of 5, others prefer you use both the first DOS and the last DOS on the claim. Why would you have 7 post partum visits?
I don't have 7 pp visits that was a "thinking to fast and typing thing".
I see what you are saying so I'll contact them and see how they prefer it to be done.
I would bill 59425 Antepartum care only; 4-6 visits, using the date of the last visit. And 59430 Postpartum care only, using the date of service.

I assume the delivering physician was not part of your practice.