Wiki What CPT code to use for telephone call when pt had 99233 same day?


Lago Vista, TX
Best answers
We have a patient who is in the hospital and we used code 99233. Our NP called the patient's husband and spoke to him for 16 min on the same day regarding her health. I'm looking to find what code to use for the telephone call. Would it be 99442 with POS 21?
The phone call would be inclusive to the hospital E/M service and can't be billed separately.

But even if there was no E/M service on that day, Medicare (and probably most other payers) would not reimburse a phone service if the patient was hospitalized on that date. Payment for phone services is only being allowed due to the pandemic so that patients can avoid the exposure involved in coming in to healthcare facility, but this is not the case if the patient is already in the facility.
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The phone call would be inclusive to the hospital E/M service and can't be billed separately. But even if there was no E/M service on that day, Medicare (and probably most other payers) would not reimburse a phone service if the patient was hospitalized on that date.
Thank you for your input!