Wiki What CPT code should be billed for the procedure

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Help! What CPT code should be billed for this procedure

Preoperative Dx: Abdominal wall hematoma
Postoperative Dx: Abdominal wall hematoma

Operative Procedure: Evacuation and drainage of abdominal wall hematoma

Findings: Several hundred mL's of blood in the posterior rectus sheath

A longitidal incision was made along the lateral aspect of the rectus sheath and carried down sharply through the subcutaneous tissue, hemostasis being obtained with electrocautery. The anterior rectus sheath was incised longitudinally. The rectus muscle was split. The hematoma was entered and suctioned. There was liquid blood and some clots. This was evacuated with the suction. The cavity was irrigated copiously with saline soluntion. A Jackson-Pratt drain was brought up through a seperate stab incision in the left flank and secured to the skin with 3-0 nylon and directed into the hematoma cavity. The rectus sheath was then closed using a continuos suture of #1 Vicryl and the skin was closed using skin clips. A sterile dressing was placed.

Thank you in advance for your help.
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