Wiki what code do we use?


Newport, WA
Best answers
If the Doctor only states "I made a 3 x 2 cm ellipse around the 1.5 cm lesion and excised". What exactly would the excised diameter be since he did not specify margins necessarily, just that he made an ellipse of 3 X 2. This is for a malignant excision.

Thank you
If the Doctor only states "I made a 3 x 2 cm ellipse around the 1.5 cm lesion and excised". What exactly would the excised diameter be since he did not specify margins necessarily, just that he made an ellipse of 3 X 2. This is for a malignant excision.

Thank you

The provider does not need to specify the margins if they give you the excised dimension. In this case the excised dimensions are 3 x 2 cm so you go with the largest excised diameter which will be the 3 cm
Correct... and and then choose the malignant excision code by location using the maximum excised diameter as recommended above.
