Wiki What Certification is best to start with?


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I am an RN with 14 years ICU experience but have been a Billing Manager and Coder for a Physical Therapy office for the past 8 years......

However; I have no coding credentials and would like to pursue this avenue of the health industry, preferable with an insurance company as an auditor. Can anyone lend any advice as to which coding certification I need to obtain and then does my previous experience count as "coding" experience for a job in that field?

I'd start with the CPC certification. I'ts a 'core' credential, and you'll be able to support your knowledge of coding rules and experience with that certification. Because you have the years experience, you can obtain your CPC, rather than have to accept the apprentice status.

If you wish to then proceed with an auditing certification, I suggest CPMA. This is a fairly rigorous exam, but coders with this cert are in high demand, with salaries to match.

Good luck on your education.
Best Cert for you

Yes Wiz
If you are a RN with coding experience already, then you would have no problem passing the CPC, but I see jobs with insurance companies that needs auditors with RN experience and any credentials in coding. You can choose CPC..CCS/RHIT or RHIA thru AHIMA(which is the most desired). Having a CPC thru AAPC will get your foot in the door but having any certs thru AHIMA with your experience would get you higher pay and more management executive positions that pay well into $80,000 to $100,000..Go for it and good luck
What you need to know about RHIT and RHIA, is that there is an education/degree expectation that can't easily be waived. In fact, I was looking at the RHIA certification, and even with a master's degree, I'd have to take a four-month undergraduate course. I do agree, that in a facility setting, this is a desired certification.

Wiz3612 can certainly easily pass the CPC, and then go on to obtain CPMA, which in my experience, anyway, is a significant door-opener, particularly for larger healthcare organizations with outpatient and pro-fee auditing needs.