Wiki Wellness visit with labs with PCP/GYN exam with gynecologist


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If a patient comes in for their annual wellness visit with labs to their family doctor and does their gyn exam with their Gyn doctor (2 different offices), do we (the family doctor) bill the E&M as 9938_/9939_?

Patient has Blue Cross Blue Shield - her policy states under her wellness benefits:

1. Routine annual visits to an obst etrician/gynecologist or other Physician. Additional visits recommende d by the
Member's obstetrician/gynecologist or other Physic ian may be subject to the Deductible Amount, Copayment
or Co insurance percentage shown in the Schedule of Benefits, if not a preve ntive service.

2. One (1) routine Pap smear per Benefit Period

I am thinking that the second visit billed with either of these E&M codes will deny exceeds maximum benefits.
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