Wiki Wellness exam - No idea where to start

Tampa, FL
Best answers
I've been here for years and this is the first Derm wellness exam I've ever encountered. I have before me a wellness exam form from her insurance company stating she is eligible for this.

Pt is 64 and has commercial insurance.

She came in for a skin screening and in the process has a destruction of an ISK (17110).

I don't even KNOW where to start. I've called Aetna who was no help unfortunately.

Do I bill an office visit? Is there a wellness exam code (DX or CPT)? What do I charge for? As in...what procedure codes go out with a fee? I found G0439, but I'm not for sure that applies...and even if it does, do I add to the claim in addition to the OV code and procedure code?

Also...I'm looking at my CPT book (at codes 99381-99396)...and it seems her screening would fall under 99396, and based on the extensive OV, she would also be charged an E/M code and the procedure code 17110. I'm I misinterpreting this? I'm very confused.

Thank you!
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I think I would start looking at her past history and CC on this one. She is an established patient - per your 99396 -

My overall gut says no, I wouldn't code a 993XX at all.

I would say, first and foremost, what was the purpose of the visit? If the purpose of the visit was routine in nature AND lesions, I would then question why is the patient and the insurance saying a specialist is granted the ability to use a routine code. I can't get out of my head that the patient must have either a strong family history of or the patient has a history of skin cancer, skin....something that would warrant a preventative visit. If the patient has concerns about her skin either history of or family history of, to me, that’s a clear chief complaint and wouldn't be preventative in nature.

Has she ever addressed her lesions before? Was there ever a plan to remove them? If so, then I would say again that this is not preventative.

If this truly is the first time the patient has addressed this lesion, I guess you could call it routine if the patient says I just want my skin checked out.

I wouldn't use the G code - that’s for Medicare only.

Your right those, this is a bit confusing. I'm not sure I am correct, this is just my thoughts.
It would be a new patient OV and the procedure code.

Billing preventive service E/M codes would not be appropriate for this type of encounter. Those are typically only for annual physicals.
You really should keep trying to get ahold of the insurance company! We have patients who come in with insurance forms to be filled out for BCN. They want a 99080 (FORM FEE) and say they will pay $40 for it. They also list guidelines for billing it, including that they will pay for this service along with other E/M visits.
Hope this heps, and good luck.