Wiki well woman visit pap


Cape Girardeau, Missouri
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Do I need to be waiting to code my annual exam code diagnosis until AFTER the pap results come back in or do I code the routine exam code because there was no known problem at the time the patient was examined? When a patient's pap comes back abnormal, I have already billed the exam and didn't know if I should be waiting to bill it with the result of the pap. Please advise. Thank you!
A wellwoman PAP is ordinarily performed for screening so there is no need to wait for a diagnosis because presumably there is not one. Only the V72.31 is needed as the screening V code for cervical screening is inclusive.
Thank you Debra. I always respect your answers. To further clarify, if a patient comes in for their routine annual exam and HAS had a previous abnormal pap (ASCUS) that further testing ruled out a problem, how should I code the primary diagnosis for the new exam? Our nurses are using a routine V72.31.