Wiki Well Child visit vs Nutrition/Physical activity


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Getting a bit confused on what is included in a well child visit and was it not, our peds providers have template with specific well child assessments. They mentioned they should be coding and billing separate codes aside from preventive visit. Is this sufficient to bill nutrition and physical activity counseling codes? or would this just be part of the preventive visit?

Nutrition: Discussed nutrition and provided counseling on well-balanced diet.
Physical activity: Discussed the importance of physical activity on a routine basis.
Dental: Discussed dental hygiene with family.
Elimination: Patient is voiding and stooling habits are normal.
Behavioral: Disciplinary methods discussed and reviewed age appropriate behavior.
Sleep: Reviewed sleep hygiene.
Safety: Counsel provided for age appropriate safety measures.
School: Discussed school with patient and family.
Social: Discussed importance of appropriate socialization.

appreciate any help