Wiki Weight management and disease management


Irmo, SC
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Can anyone help me out with the counseling code for weight management and disease management. 99406-99407 is for smoking sensation. in the guideline it states Behavior change interventions are for persons who have a behavior that is often considered an illness itself, such as tobacco use and addiction, substance abuse/misuse, or obesity.In the discription it states Smoking and tobacco use sessation counseling. I'm not sure if this is just for the smoking or is it for weight management also. What are the codes for disease management counseling?
What about 97802?

Coders Desk Reference=A dietetic professional provides medical nutrition therapy assessment or re-assessment and interventions in a face-to-face or group patient setting. After nutritional screening identifies patients at risk, preventive or therapeutic dietary therapy is initiated to induce a positive result in the role nutrition plays in improving health outcomes.