Wiki Weight Check 99211


West Point, CA
Best answers
Chief complaint: weight check
ordered as incident to service provided by nurse; 99211

assessment plan: patient is gaining weight appropriately. Come back in 2 weeks for weight check newborn.

Z00.111 is the code used.

Does this meet the guidelines for incident to reporting? Weight check is not a diagnosis with a designated plan of care? Is this a billable service?

weight check

Hi! We would only allow weight checks to be billed if they are MEDICALLY NECESSARY. If there is no issue regarding their weight, it was a no charge visit. So, unless their is feeding difficulties, failure to thrive, low birth weight, premature birth, formula changes due to vomiting, reflux etc... the weight checks were not billable.
weight check

Hi! We would only allow weight checks to be billed if they are MEDICALLY NECESSARY. If there is no issue regarding their weight, it was a no charge visit. So, unless their is feeding difficulties, failure to thrive, low birth weight, premature birth, formula changes due to vomiting, reflux etc... the weight checks were not billable.
My patient is a premie, so correct coding would be CPT 99211 and Dx Z00.11?