Wiki weakness


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I know this has been posted alot, but I wanted to get a general idea of what other coders are using regarding weakness. I work for neurology and get alot of left side weakness, right side weakness, arm weakness and so on. Ive read some posts on using 781.99, 728.87, and 780.79. I want to get opinions on what to use and why, I see 780.79 as "fatigue" meaning "tiredness" which I do not see fitting to these situations. Any Ideas?? :)
I know this has been posted alot, but I wanted to get a general idea of what other coders are using regarding weakness. I work for neurology and get alot of left side weakness, right side weakness, arm weakness and so on. Ive read some posts on using 781.99, 728.87, and 780.79. I want to get opinions on what to use and why, I see 780.79 as "fatigue" meaning "tiredness" which I do not see fitting to these situations. Any Ideas?? :)

If you are working in Neuro I would suggest to check the documentation of patient's history for stroke. If it is a late effect of CVA you can code the late effect code (438.89) along with fatigue
I am ok with the late effect of CVA code, it is the additional code to decribe the late effect that I am struggling with. Or in situations that the arm weakness, leg weakness, left, right is all that is given with no history of CVA. So you would use 780.79 (weakness).
I use 729.89 per coding clinic.

AHA Coding Clinicâ for ICD-9-CM, 4Q 1988, Volume 5, Number 4, Page 12


When coding lower extremity weakness, should it be considered generalized weakness or a muscle weakness?


Weakness of the limb(s) without mention of muscle weakness is assigned to code 729.89, Other musculoskeletal symptoms referable to limbs.
Since it involves neurological also, Why dont we give more descriptive cod eas an additional code - 781.99 along with729.89?
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