Wiki Wc + non wc


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not sure if this is appropriate place to ask this question ?

My docs keep combining documentation on both a WC and non WC injury into one note.

Am I right that this should not be happening ? Doesn't the patient have right to privacy on non wc related injury ? WC only has right to records related to wc injury ?

That really needs to be split up. W/C will be getting copies of those notes and they don't have the right to see the non w/c information.
Yes, there should be two separate E&M reports with the work comp including only the compensable injury/body part making sure any procedures, like an injection, is causally related to the work injury, and not the non-work injury. I had a case where our billing company combined the two separate visits, put a non-work injection on the work comp claim with the wrong diagnosis code, and it took months to get it all sorted out. I have also had two different work injuries treating concurrently so it is best to be very careful when documenting.