Wiki Washout of hematoma

Linda McMann

Best answers
Our general surgeon performed a washout of a buttocks hematoma on a site that had an I&D 6 days previously. I cannot find any code that doesn't include an incision. There was no incision, just a washout of blood and a hematoma, then packing with kerlex w/ bacitracin. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm at a loss right now.
Is the surgeon not that same one who performed the I&D or someone within his/her practice?

There is a 10 day global with an I&D fo a hematoma, so all care within that global period is inclusive and not reportable.

CPT: 10140
It is the same surgeon, but wouldn't the hematoma be considered a complication? The patient was under general anesthesia for this washout, done in hospital OR. That doesn't seem to be any kind of routine post-op.