Wiki Walk in Pregnancy Tests


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Good Morning.

I am rather new to this Specialty and was wondering if anyone out there bills for "walk in" pregnancy tests, if that is all that is performed? I'd hate to leave revenue on the table if we can capture.

Thanks so much!:rolleyes:
81025 is for Urine Pregnancy test. Use the code for the finding: V72.41 (-) V72.42 (+). Don't code a nurse visit at the same time, unless the patient's provider consults with the nursing staff and provides a prescription for pre-natal vitamins.
Do I understand this correct: we can bill for the test....not a visit? Does the NP have to do this test or can an MA under Supervision do it? Who is responsible for documenting? Thanks for the info! Mary Kaye
An E&M visit, separately documented by a provider can be done at the same time; but if the only reason the patient comes in is for a urine pregnancy test, then that's all you should bill. The 99211 can be billed, if after the (+) pregnancy test, the nurse/MA consults with the provider and prenatal vitamins are prescribed. This can be done by an MA or nurse under supervision (billing provider in your office suite). The MA signs the chart, but it has to be co-signed by the billing provider. Hope this helps. Pam
Thank you so much...this was a BIG help in solving an issue with my offices.

Happy Holidays!

Mary Kaye:)