Wiki visit shared by two different surgeons


Best answers
O.K. this is going to sound tricky, but hang in there with me.

My surgical P.A. saw a new patient and wrote the H&P note. Her supervising physician was not in the office but available by phone. The P.A. consulted another surgeon that is in the same building but is not billed by my office. He decides that the patient required surgery and sent the patient to the O.R. I think that I should be able to bill my visit has a consult (not a medicare patient), but wondering about whether or not to use a modifier on the visit code. :confused:

Any help regarding this matter, including websites that I can read for further information will be greatly appreciated.:)

Office visit

If I understand you correctlly you are asking how to bill for the PA's services?

Bill the new or established patient code as you normally would.

The PA requested a consult from the other surgeon ... if anyone is going to bill a consult it should be that other surgeon, not the PA.

As long as they are from two different practices you should be fine.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC