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Hi I am very new to this! I am in the cpc class and only in chapter four, I was wondering if anyone can help me with this question. there are examples to look in the guidelines example ( I.C.a.2.b (iii) something of the sort, and i think I am looking at it in the wrong way because I always end up in a catigory that makes no sense to the question. :confused:
I think it's referring you to the guidelines in the beginning of the book. They are organized into sections.

Is "I.C.a.2.b (iii)" the actual reference?
yes yes, the guidlines, I always get really stuck cause once I try to go through it there always seems to be an extra letter or number that can not be found, is it needed to go to the guidlines first then the index then the code? I didnt pass the chapter 4 test online, so now I am super frustrated that I am not understanding it, and I was thinking maybe it is because I dont know how to find the guidlines correctly :(
another example would be 1.C.3.a.3 is this in the (section 1) or the (appendix) again sorry just really confused on some things and want to do better at the tests and understand better!::cool:
On "1.C.3.a.3"....

Does the question pertain to diabetes coding guidelines? I don't have my book on me, but I'm looking at "Diabetes mellitus and the use of insulin."

Section I. Conventions, general coding guidelines and chapter specific guideliens

C. Chapter-Specific Coding Guidelines

3. Chapter 3: Endocrine, Nutirional, and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorder

a. Diabetes Mellitus

3. Diabetes mellitus and the use of insulin
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I dont have my book on me either sadly, but I believe it does because that is the chapter I am in, when I get home I will look it up in the way you wrote it out and go from there! is it always needed to go to the guidlines first?
Yes. It's very important to know the guidelines. Study the front of your book. When you reach the next chapter, go back and re-read the guidelines for that specific chapter.

Best of luck on your studies :)
Yes, guidelines are most important. If you can refer to them you can find most of your answers. Go to the AppendixThe first number is the Section, then you go to which ever alpha character is next, then number and then letter......So if you have 1.C.2.c.1

1 Section 1 pg1 First number always tells you the Section #
C Stay under Section 1 look for capital C Chapter-Specific Coding Guidelines pg5 2 Stay under capital C look for Chapter 2: Neoplasms (140-239) pg8
c Stay under 2 and look for lower c Coding and sequencing of complications pg8 1 Stay under c and look for 1 Anemia associated with malignancy pg8

Hope this helps you
dixiechick - thank you so much ! when I get home I will go in the order you guys have told me and practice finding the guidlines better!:)
I just had a girl who works here as well who is in coding for chemo not the full blown cpc but she showed me how to do it and I was taking the C as in a letter instead of the chapter! I am so excited now that I understand and I can't wait to go home and practice. hope everyone else gets as excited as me when you start to understand something! :p