Wiki Venous Access Device

Tupelo, MS
Best answers
Do any of you code for Venous Access Device for Chemo after Mastectomy? My question is the patient has a Mastectomy and 2 weeks later the patient sees an Onocologist and they send her back to the surgeon that done the Mastectomy for the VAD placement do you charge for the E/M with a 24 modifier? Do you code the VAD with a 79 modifier? I just have had conflicting information from different sources and wanted to get a clear picture of how to correctly bill these.
Thank you for your help.
Teresa Cooper
Seems like -58. If you look at the guidelines in Appendix A modifier 58 says "...procedure or service during the postop period was: (c) for therapy following a surgical procedure".

I don't think you can justify -78 or -79 nor can you justify the -24 on the E/M as unrelated.

Good Luck!